2021.01 - 2021.03             CASe: Heroma HRM - Collaborative Design Workshops project              Customer; CGI Heroma HRM

Heroma HRM - Collaborative Design Workshop effort


As UX Architect I was given the task to plan and execute a series of workshops for the Heroma HR-platform with customer representatives and end users of the application. These were all larger WS with about 20-30 participants and arranged in Stockholm which meant that I was given resources to assist me in preparing and executing the workshops.

As the need for feedback differed, depending on which stage of development and mindset of the respective application, and issue that were to be managed, each workshop had to be set up and designed accordingly. This meant that, while one Workshop was setup with the purpose of determining top tasks for the target users, another was set up to investigating how the current work process looked like while another was set up to identifying most urgent pains and possible gains as the application was set to be redesigned completely. Last but not least the 

Methods used 

For idea generation Method 356 or Brain writing was used. Apart from generating
An important objective for me when setting up these was to set them up in a way that minimized bias and hampering of the participants creativity. This was the reason why I started one of these without the usual personal presentations. Instead I wanted the participants to be unaffected in regards to rank or other social factors and produce proposals before ….
abiding by the the principle of ”working together, alone” in order to minimize possible effects of Sunflower and Bandwagon Biases. In order to further minimize the Sunflower effect I started another WS without initial self presentations of participants.
together with affinity while other techniques involved
Journey mapping was used for identifying actors and pains & gains with scheduling.

2021.01 - 2021.03             CASe: Heroma HRM - Collaborative Design Workshops project              Customer; CGI Heroma HRM

Challenges & Approach

Earth Globe A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

challenging pandemic context 

The pandemic context excluded any possibilities for, physical visits and possibilities for doing contextual interviews. In addition to this, the main target group for the  research - physicians - were under immense pressure in regards to time. Thus most clients were reluctant to even give me the possibility to ask for participants for user profile interviews. The amount of users to interview was therefore restricted to a few.

Like Hand A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

Desktop research adding insights  

In order to amend the lack of users to interview I did secondary research, revisiting user research data regarding the Visma Public Business Suite HRM I had done some years before. Looking at this and reinterpreting the data from another perspective helped me identify needs and gains relevant to the issue at hand.

Heart A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

Internal stakeholder research

As I had limited knowledge about the product I took part  in some internal customer success workshop at Visma for Visma Medvind that were ongoing. I also spoke to those in charge of sales and ongoing bid work towards our clients.

2021.01 - 2021.03             CASe: Heroma HRM - Collaborative Design Workshops project              Customer; CGI Heroma HRM


StAkeholder Interviews

  • Interviews with client process experts and internal stakeholders

  • Participation in internal customer success workshop at Visma for Visma Medvind stakeholder

2 User research

  • In depth interviews with users (Physicians, Schedule planners & Managers assistants)

  • Revisit of previous research made by me on regarding the Visma Public Business Suite HRM (so called Secondary research)

Personas & user flows

  • Analysis of new and old inquiry material and identification of recurring pains & gains

  • Creation of personas

  • Simplified Journey map  for understanding Scheduling process

2021.01 - 2021.03             CASe: Heroma HRM - Collaborative Design Workshops project              Customer; CGI Heroma HRM

Highlight - Personas & User Journey Map

Pain/Gain focused Persona profiles

I created basic personas, based on insights gained from research regarding pains in relation to time reporting and scheduling. From this I could then inquire and put forward improvement proposals. 

 Persona details; major steps in the personas use journey and named according to the major activity for given step.

Pains & Gains for the Persona; For each step of the user journey pains & gains are listed, together with proposals for improvements.

User journey map for scheduling

In order to convey the results from my research on schedule planning I put together a Journey map detailing the different phases and interactions occurring between different actors during the scheduling process.

2021.01 - 2021.03             CASe: Heroma HRM - Collaborative Design Workshops project              Customer; CGI Heroma HRM

Project Outcome

The insights from my research were used to adapt the Medvind solution in regards to workflow and approval management, in a way that harmonized with the needs of scheduling assistants and managers.

Sheduling context for public healthcare mapped

Roles and actions, typically present in the scheduling process for Swedish healthcare contexts were identified and mapped. This helped the Medvind team understand how to adjust and cluster features and functions for management of Scheduling in their product for the Public context.

TYPICAL Healthcare user's pains & Gains identified

Major pains and improvement opportunities were identified in regard to time reporting for Physicians & Nurses. These insight and suggestion for improvements where later used by the Medvind team as input in a major rework of their time report application

New insights gained regarding time reporting

In addition to this I identified several general UX flaws in the Time reporting module for Flex reporting, relevant for all employees using the current Visma Public Business suite HRM. This led us to prioritize the redesign of time reporting for employees in regards to other planned efforts in our roadmap.